List of licensed clients

Some of the emails that put a smile on our face.

I enjoy your product very much and use it across my network to coordinate the building of a new resort casino hotel. I definitely will buy and utilize more products from your company.

Edd Hendrickson
Chief Information Officer  (Consulting)

(505) 464-7755 (W) (505) 937-3130 (C)

PO Box 269
Mescalero , New Mexico 88340


the new version is working very well.  I followed your instructions (below), and the application:
  - did create a SQL user,
  - did not display any error messages, and
  - (most importantly) appears to have handled all appointments correctly.
We're going to convert all users to this version, running in SQL, and we'll let you know how it goes. 
Thanks for your hard work on this.  If it continues to perform this well with all users, under relatively heavy usage, it will be a wonderful success.
(By the way, the new "Grid View" is excellent.)

Your product actually allows us to integrate schedules irrespective of whether parties are using our exchange server or not.  What an excellent solution.  We can have people using outlook personal stores, or be on the exchange server, and we can integrate their activity in one location without having to manage an array of clients.  Bravo.  I wish I had bumped into your product before migrating to outlook 2002.  We probably would not have upgraded.

It’s kind of funny how I migrated to this.  I found your product first many months ago but after speaking to you the one feature of editing others appt was missing.  I tried several other products which all failed to work and just for grins came back to yours and saw you enhanced it to add that feature.  I have spent literally hours trying the other packages.  What a waste of time.... I may end up referring to many of my clients that don’t want to install exchange server.

I see what’s happening.   Mine works fine but the problem is with my secretary pc.  Before installing your software we tried something called xxx x xxxx, it failed miserably and I had a problem removing it form her pc when I finally decided to bag it.  Their software used emails to send changes from one calendar to another.  So because the uninstall went bad when I add an appt to hers it’s actually still sending an email in their format.  I’ve got to figure out how to clean out that software then I guess re-install yours on her pc.  Have you guys had any experience with xxxx x xxxx?

I have tried several other similar products and have not found one that works as advertised.  Thanks

... BTW: All in Karen's office are very happy with the function of the Group Calendar. It's simple and trouble free in operation..

Thank you for your time and the program is easy to use!!!

I am quite impressed with your product and hope you can help us figure out what the problem is so that we can purchase the product.

It works great.
Thanks again for your patience and support

Again, I am pleased to find a viable solution outside of Exchange for shared calendars.

I’m happy to report that Group Calendar is working perfectly on my computer. Outlook has not crashed for a few days and everything synchronizes fast. Thanks for your hard work and responses to our problems.

This is exactly what I am looking for.  I need an outlook calendar program that can be shared between my customer service department, my manufacturing people and my schedulers

I have been looking for a program such as yours for quite a while now – I’m glad I’ve finally found you!

Many thanks for your assistance with this matter.  I really appreciate it as this package is exactly what we need to run our business efficiently.

it's working fine!
thank you for your help!


Thanks for responding – I think your method of following problems within your software is excellent !!  - and it’s works. Thank you for contacting me.

Nice little tool,  I have a few more demo's to give to people but I think we found what we are looking for.

We just have a small office with PC’s running Windows XP and an Ethernet connecting them, but no server.  I was able to download your demo onto two machines and make it work just by putting the database in a shared folder on one of the computers and then accessing it from both computers via My Network Places.

Thank you for your very prompt response and help over the past week. When promoting a product to our customers it is product support and response that is paramount to us even more so than the product itself and this is the area where most companies fall down.
 After this recent event we have all the confidence needed to promote Opus Flow products to our clients in the future.
Thank you once again.



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